The Golden Rule In There’s No Such Thing As Business Ethics, A Book By John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell’s best-seller There’s No Such thing as “Business” Ethics focuses primarily on the idea of focusing on simple ethics (personal ethical standards) rather than on business ethics. Maxwell suggests we should live by the “Golden Rule”, which he calls: how would I like to treated in this circumstance? Maxwell says that the “golden” rule is to treat people with respect, trust, and understanding. The Golden Rule is a good guideline to use when making ethical choices.

Maxwell, who has worked with many large corporations and achieved success in his career, explains the Golden Rule to help you get through tough situations. In the book, Maxwell explores how to overcome the obstacles people face when they compromise their morals for their actions. He also discusses how wealth is not a measure of success or happiness. The Golden Rule is not for people who are going to go for gold.

John C. Maxwell hails from a small-town, but he is an acclaimed self-made man. It was not his dream to become a bestselling author that started him on this journey. Maxwell began his career as a minister in a small Ohio town. As he began to make connections, Maxwell became aware of the changes in his leadership. As a result of his religious background, he developed a mindset that he wanted to help other people reach their fullest potential. To this end, he made it his mission to share his knowledge and inspire others. According to the website he has stated that he believes it “has the power to transform us individually and connect communities. It can be a facilitator to corporations and transform nations around the world.” He has established many organizations which adhere to his beliefs and wisdom.

ConclusionThere’s no better book for a class on business ethics than John C. Maxwell’s bestseller There is No Such Thing as Business Ethics. This book would be a valuable resource for any business person or someone who has difficulty making ethical decisions. Maxwell tackles a very difficult question: What is the basis of ethical behavior in the corporate world? The chapter on How to develop the “Midas Touch” is my favorite after reading the book. The chapter discusses how our happiness is no longer based on what we have, but instead how we treat each other. The key points in this chapter are to focus on others, and add value to your contribution to their lives. Maxwell discusses the importance of treating others better than how you’ve been treated. It also highlights the importance of going above and beyond to help people who can’t do anything for you.

The Golden Rule is a basic rule that can be used to guide ethical decisions. The Golden Rule is a great ethical compass. Having studied at a school that emphasizes on servant-leadership, this will help me in making business decisions.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you consider ethics? What do you think? Does it make you want to discuss it and use it in your daily life? Do you think that it is possible to be ethical and still succeed? Explain.

When I think about ethical behavior, I focus on what’s morally right. I think ethics is a good thing, but some people have negative ethics. Since I am a student and a leader I have to be a good example of ethics. I think that if someone has good ethics and is flexible, they can win. You can adapt ethical practices to the group and situation to benefit everyone.

You may have a set of rules for your behavior in different areas of life. Do you follow the same standards no matter where you go, with whom you’re interacting, or what’s happening? You use the same standard at home and at work, with family and friends, or when you’re playing soccer, helping at the church, etc. Do you think it is possible to have one standard for all aspects of your life? Explain.

I believe I follow different behavioral standards depending on the situation and who I’m with. I expect to behave differently in formal and informal settings. I am not changing, but some aspects of me change. For example, my words.

It’s not always desirable, but I think it is possible to have a standard for everything. I believe that it’s important to have a face for a company but, at a certain point, formality like in your family isn’t necessary.

Consider someone who you can trust. Explore why you don’t trust others if you can’t come up with anyone. Think about the reasons you trust this person. Write down the qualities that describe this person.

They have shown me that they are trustworthy. This person is honest, respects me when I am uncomfortable, and listens to me when i need to vent. In the past, I have had many relationships where trust was lost. But I try not to bring this into new ones.

What ethical guidelines do you follow? Describe the ethical guideline you currently use.

The Christian leadership guide line is in line with what the college teaches us about being a servant leader to follow as our Lord has allowed us. The Christian leader guideline follows what we are taught at the college about being a good servant leader. The second way is to treat people the same way you’d like to be.

What is your natural way of evaluating people? What criteria do you use to evaluate them? Do you have any other criteria in mind? As you identify your natural tendency, try to think of how that might impact the way you relate to people. What might this mean for your ethical standards and values?

First impressions do matter, as people often say. I often judge people by their looks when I first meet a person, which is not a good thing. It’s my instinctive way of judging someone. Although I don’t judge people by their looks, I do evaluate them on the basis of their personality or actions toward me. I believe that my natural instinct is to judge based on looks, but it’s not until I have had a discussion with someone and interacted with them do I form a formal judgement. I don’t act differently when evaluating people, I only act differently based on whether or not I am in a formal or informal atmosphere with them.

What was the reaction of your religion to the different variations of the Golden Rule? Do you think the universality and the Golden Rule are relevant in the debate for a unified standard of ethics argument? Why or not?

It is interesting that in a society that emphasizes differences and negative aspects, we can still find common ground when it comes to ethics. Ethics is a very controversial subject and it’s interesting to see how many religions have similar bases.

The Golden Rule is universal and a good ethical standard because it is evident that people of all religions share the same ideas about how they should behave, regardless of their background.

What are some of the advantages to using the Golden Rule for ethical behavior? What about in business? What are your concerns?

This question makes think of “business as business”. Many people in business are focused on wealth, not the overall concept. There are many people who would say that ethical business is not a guideline because it can be difficult to make decisions with the changing and different factors. I think there should be guidelines for both business and personal ethics. In addition, I believe that everyone should be educated on the subject of ethics and ethical decisions. It is always possible that people will do something just to make money. I think this would be the greatest drawback of a set ethical guideline.

Is there a scenario in which the Golden Rule would not be a good ethical guideline? In that case, consider who will be affected and in what way. If the issue is still a problem, you may want to discuss it with a co-worker or friend.

In class we talked about whether or not you would steal if your son had a rare and incurable disease, but the insurance company wouldn’t cover it because there was no treatment. I think this will be a difficult choice because you won’t want your family to suffer or your career to be affected. The only way you can pay for treatment would be to steal. With the Golden Rule as a guide, you will be able to make ethical decisions and avoid stealing. You can do this by working harder, organizing a fundraising event, or talking to your boss. There are ways to raise money in a society that is willing to assist. This will allow you to do what’s right for your son, rather than doing it unethically.

Jim Blanchard mentioned that Synovus has seen a reduction in turnover, fewer EEOC lawsuits, and a decrease in harassment.

The company will grow as a result of creating an environment that allows people to feel respected and safe. In an environment where this is a given, employees will stay and grow. It will make people think that it is not work if they enjoy their work. This will help you grow to the maximum level.

What type of education, training, or morals did you get as a young person? Consider your experiences a strength or weakness. Please give an explanation.

It was difficult to explore ethics in a school setting. My parents were hardworking and well-educated, so the way they raised me is what I consider to be my biggest training. They let me explore my religion and was independent. As a result of my early travels, I studied abroad in highschool. Every Wednesday, as I was growing up, my parents took me to bible study so that I could understand God’s calling. In middle and high schools, I wrote mission statements. My education was not formalized in the way that a private-schooled student would be. I think the training that I received was practical and allowed me the opportunity to develop and discover my strengths and weaknesses.

Describe an instance in your past where a person of authority showed you value, respect, and appreciation. Why is this incident memorable for you? What was your response?

I’m an assistant for a man with Cerebral palsy, and everything went wrong during one of my shifts. Patrick’s parents live with him and they would often go on date nights to get away from the house when I was there. Patrick was in bed getting ready one night when I put his feet on his stander. Then his legs slipped and he was hanging from his armpits. It was the most frightening situation I have ever been in. Because we were both 200 pounds, I could do nothing. I had no choice but to try and get him out from under the sling. He was falling to the floor. Then, when his parents got home, I broke down in tears because I was so upset that I had to have others help me get him up. My bosses (his parents) thanked me for being there and assured me that nothing could have gone wrong. They then offered me vodka to calm down my nerves. Their reaction was reassuring and comforting because I felt very shaken and did not want to take care of Patrick any longer. Even though it’s been two years, I continue to take care of Patrick and my family always says how blessed they are that I am there.

Describe in detail a recent experience where you felt disrespected or mistrusted by someone. What was your response? What was the impact of your response? Was it possible to restore or build the relationship after you resolved any issues?

As the summer season progressed, I never did get the chance to take on those responsibilities. My boss would tell me when I could begin these responsibilities or join others doing the same things. She would ignore my questions and give me more work. After two seasons of this, i avoided interacting my boss as I felt insulted. Even though I was asked to return for a third year, the relationship has never been restored.

How do you react to people who seem different? What impact does your attitude have on your interactions with others? Willingness to consider another person’s viewpoint What is required of you in order to make this change? What will the biggest impact be on your life if you change?

When I meet someone new, I try to be funny because it sets the tone of the conversation and can be more welcoming. When I meet someone new, I like to be humorous because it helps set the tone for the conversation and can make it more friendly. The person’s personality can influence my view after talking with them.

What are the consequences of poor character for college and professional athletes? What are some ways that poor character could affect someone’s career?

People skills are crucial to your success. To achieve success, you must be able communicate and express your ideas, goals and feelings. With respect, people will want to work or have fun with them. If you have a bad character, people may shy away and leave you alone.

Do you know anyone who claims one position but lives a completely different life? How credible are they? What impact does this have on his or her work and life?

Yes, they are credible. They respect the way I hold my position and have never intended to insult me or change it. The person I depend on a great deal has a major impact on my life. When we both respect one another’s opinions, it is much easier to accept the other person’s point of view.

Which is harder: Making an ethical judgment alone without anyone knowing, or when you are under pressure to adhere to a standard lower than yours?

A decision on ethics would be much more difficult when I am under pressure from others to conform. It’s hard to make an ethical decision when people are trying to get me conform. I would listen to their reasoning for why they believe that their decision is right. However, it does not mean that my morals will change. I’m not a fan of pressure either. I often give in to it, but my moral compass will allow me to stand firm with my decisions.

What accountability measures have been implemented in your career or profession? Do you consider it effective? Explain.

The thought that I might disappoint someone is a very scary one. My parents are my biggest concern in life. It is my goal to make sure they are happy, because they have invested so much into me and allowed me to achieve the goals I set. No matter how much I work or set my goals, I feel like it’s working. I can find a career that is my dream and achieve academic success.

You have asked for accountability from someone before. How was the relationship? What was the nature of that relationship? Why?

I seek to be held accountable by my new bosses or employees whenever I begin a job. Because I’ve always had good relations with them, even when there was disagreement.

Who among your friends or family members is currently a contender for the role of being held accountable by you?

My mom and dad. My parents help pay for my education, so I have to do well to maintain that support.

What is your biggest problem? Is it pressure, pleasure or power, or are you more focused on priorities? What makes you particularly vulnerable in that area?

It’s always pressure. I fall under it because I often want to fit into the group. Sometimes I’ve been able stand up for my self and not be under pressure but I usually want to fit-in so I do it.

What is your natural reaction when under extreme pressure? Does it come naturally to you to try and relieve the stress at any cost? What is your natural reaction? Give an instance.

It is natural for me to relieve the pressure by taking a break or venting my issues. I relieve pressure by venting to others or taking a short break. Pressure is not something I view as negative. I tend to grow out of situations. This class is an excellent example of pressure because it’s a semester-length class that has been crammed in a timeframe of less than 3 weeks. The fact that I have to manage my time and procrastinate is not bad.

Character can be developed by incorporating the discipline you have learned in another area. Describe life experiences where you developed discipline by learning to delay gratification. How can the lessons and experiences you learned from those situations help you improve your discipline in a particular area? Explain. How do you plan to transfer funds?

At the time I started to work for Patrick I was in school to become an occupational therapist to help children with special requirements. After a couple of courses, I decided that this path wasn’t for me. I debated about whether or not working with Patrick was worth it. It was because I knew it would be difficult to find people to work alongside Patrick, and I struggled with the new workload. As a result of sticking with the job that I did not like, I developed many new skills. While I thought that the job I took would not be useful, a professor of business was evaluating my resume. This job showed him that I was a person who cared about others and had a good work ethic. I had no idea that I could use this experience in the corporate world.

Power abuse is a common problem for strong leaders. What would you say is your leadership rating (from 1 to 10)? Describe your struggles with entitlement.

I’d say 6-7 for a leader. Never have I wanted to be the group leader. But when no-one else is interested, I step in. Sometimes I am a good leader but I just don’t have the time.

Define priorities. What are your top three or five priorities? Write them down. Think about any conflict that may arise from your priorities. How can you resolve this conflict while maintaining your ethical standards?

Happiness, family, friends, God. After I graduate, I’d like to move. That would take me thousands of kilometers away from the people who I rely on most in life: my family. After talking with them, it became clear that they wanted to help and support my move. They are always there to support me, and I appreciate that. My upbringing has helped shape my morals. They can teach me how to be ethical towards friends and family by their actions.

Chapter 6 starts off with the main character finding themselves in a strange place. They can’t remember how they got there, but it’s clear that something isn’t right. As they explore the area, they come across a mysterious figure who gives them a cryptic message. The individual then disappears without a trace, leaving the protagonist to search for clues as to what is going on. As they look for answers, the character finds themselves facing unexpected dangers and challenges.

What are the most common opportunities you look for, in your profession or business? What do you think “a golden oportunity” is? What qualities are necessary for someone to take advantage of a golden opportunity?

Although I am not in my current career, I do see promotions as an opportunity. A “golden chance” is something that I thought would come my way later in life if I worked hard and showed passion. But I was given it right away, before I had any credibility.

What eight traits have you tried to achieve in your life the most? What has this done for your career? Explain.

What are you weaknesses? What can you do to protect yourself from ethical lapses if you know your weaknesses? What are the differences between character and talent? What are some ways you can encourage staff members to compensate for their talent deficiencies?

I find it hard to be responsible for my actions. Whenever I find myself procrastinating, I tell me I have enough time to go and do other activities. However, when I get to the end of it I realize I am running out of time. Once I have sat down, I will work on the task until it is completed. My procrastination has been reduced by realizing that it is unhealthy and stressful to me. When you procrastinate, the temptation to cheat is always there. To make this ethical choice, I’d rather be stressed or sleepless than cheat. We hold eachother accountable and encourage eachother to not procrastinate.

Are you a person who is open and willing to acknowledge your mistakes? What can you do to improve?

They don’t happen too fast. It takes me a while to calm down and realize that there is a solution to my mistake. It is possible to improve my performance by not being so agitated and by recognizing my faults immediately.

Why is it difficult for you to keep your promises, help those who cannot help themselves or do more than expected?

It is difficult to keep your promises, help others and do more. In our modern world, we are constantly looking for attention and appreciation. We often wonder what we can gain by helping someone else. Most people will go beyond the call of duty if they know that there will be a final reward. Rarely do people go beyond the call of duty just to make themselves feel better. The difficulty of keeping promises arises when you are unable to deliver on them. People don’t like to feel that they owe something.

What is the value of always taking the higher road? When is it acceptable to treat others as they treated you?

The high road is a good thing, but I only see it as a positive in certain situations. You need to be respected by others to be allowed to take the high-road. You can’t be taken advantage of by someone who knows you are going to take the high road. They will compensate you or negotiate on what they could do. If they treat well, it is fair to treat them the same way. Respect can be gained and given. You do not want to treat someone badly when they have done the same to yourself. This will allow you to show respect and lead by example.

How can you benefit from developing the Midas Touch with others in your career or business?

I would like to remind people that they do not work for the company solely because of money. The opinions of employees are valued, and they will be taken in consideration as their desire to improve the organization internally will result in the company growing externally. It will make employees more motivated to work.

What is your general approach to people? How would you rate your own behavior?

8. I treat people well because I never refuse anyone. I am not irritated by people, so I can avoid conflicts. In situations where someone has taken advantage of me, i will defend myself. I would rate myself as an 8 though because everyone is flawed. My struggle is to set aside my differences which causes me to ignore these people and not be as good a person as I could.


  • amytaylor

    Amy Taylor is a 31-year-old educational blogger and mother. She writes about various parenting topics, including raising children with a healthy diet and active lifestyle. She also provides parenting advice for both novice and experienced parents.